Steps to Set Up Datahub

setup datahub step 1

Step 1 - Create a GitHub repository

Create a public Github repository to upload all your coursework. Files in this Github repository will be used to generate unique links that will be shared with students. 

  • Refer to this documentation to learn about how to use Git and Github.
  • If you are interested to use the GUI version of Github, Refer to this documentation to learn more about the Github desktop.
  • If you are interested in adding your repository to the ever-growing collection of modules/connector repositories so that instructors who will be teaching your class in future will thank you then reach out to Balaji Alwar (
  • If you need more support setting up your own repository then reach out to Balaji Alwar (

Step 2 - Install nbgitpuller plugin

Nbgitpuller is a wonderful tool that simplifies the assignment distribution pipeline. Unique links generated using this tool will directly take the students to the Jupyter/R Studio based notebooks in Datahub without exposing the complexities of Git. 

Install nbgitpuller Chrome or Firefox extension in your respective browser. A good test to verify whether the installation was a success is to access a Github repository (through the installed browser) and check whether you can find the button named "nbgitpuller". 


Step 3 - Generate shareable link(s)

Access the notebook for which a shareable link needs to be generated in a Github repository. Click on the nbgitpuller button. Follow the detailed steps outlined in this documentation to generate a shareable link.

Additional Support

If you need support setting up Datahub for your class, You can pursue any of the below options,

  • Check the FAQ section to see if you can find a response to your query!
  • Post your queries as Github issue so that the infra admin team can respond.
  • If you are part of UC Berkeley then you can join this Slack and search "ucb-datahubs" channel to post your queries and get an immediate response!
  • If you require in person support, you can reach out to the service lead using their email id -