Most of the time, people are complaining about an expectation gap between hosts and travelers when they are experiencing a homestay. Indeed, let’s keep in mind that GlobeSisters is a two-sided community composed of travelers and hosts and that hosts are welcoming travelers into their homes and are living with them. Therefore, they do need to be on the same page in terms of expectations. They are so many hosts complaining for so many different reasons: “My guest only used me as a hotel”, “She was rude and didn’t want to pay for my groceries even if I hosted her for free”, “She was too time-consuming, I don’t have the time for this kind of things…”. And guests are also complaining for a similar reason. The main reason for that is that they weren’t matched accordingly to their profiles and expectations. Therefore, the goal of the Discovery Team will be to develop a matching algorithm, based on the data we have, that would avoid this expectation gap.

The main problem we are tackling is safety. We believe that it's too early for us to have data scientists on that subject, though. In a near future, we would like to analyze all our members' descriptions and use NLP to identify the riskier profiles.

Developing a Matching Algorithm for Women-Identifying Travelers - Fall 2022 Discovery Project
Fall 2022