Innovaccer Inc is a leading healthcare data activation platform company focused on delivering more efficient and effective healthcare through the use of pioneering analytics and transparent, clean, and accurate data. Innovaccer’s aim is to simplify complex data from all points of care, streamline the information, and help organizations make powerful decisions and realize strategic goals based on key insights and predictions from their data. Its products have been deployed across more than 500 locations with over 10,000 providers leveraging it at institutions, governmental organizations, and several corporate enterprises such as Mercy ACO, StratiFi Health, Catalyst Health Network, Osler Health Network, and PHIX HIE. Innovaccer is based in San Francisco with offices around the United States and Asia.

Patient information derived from claim and clinical sources are often shown in web interfaces, dashboards and application integrations for physicians to act on and provide care. However the terminologies and concepts are often difficult to understand and require clinical expertise. There is an increasing requirement to utilize NLG techniques to create meaningful patient summaries from this data which can be useful for a variety of use cases including, but not limited to, discharge summaries, medical reports and progress notes.

Improve Efficiency of Patient Information Inquiries for Care Managers - Spring 2023 Discovery Project
Spring 2023
Public Health
Technical Area(s)
Machine Learning (ML)
Natural language processing (NLP)