Discovery Program x MEJ: Undergraduates Apply Data Science to Environmental Justice


Spearheaded by four graduate students from the UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy, M

Discovery Exchange: Virtual Data Science Collaboration at Berkeley


COVID-19 has impeded many opportunities and has resulted in students feeling isolated and uninspired.

National Data Science Education Workshop Shares Best Practices on Teaching the Next Generation of Data Scientists


The demand for data scientists continues to surge with advances in technology and medicine requiring the skills to analyze, store, and protect data.

Machine Learning and Data Science at Cal


The Spark + AI Summit 2020 is the largest gathering bringing together data teams in the Apache Spark™ community.

Five Principles to get Undergraduates involved in real-world Data Science Projects


This article was written by Jae Yeon Kim, a computational social scientist and PhD candidate in Political Science at UC Berkeley. 

Reflecting on Spring 2020


Despite the difficult circumstances, student researchers in the UC Berkeley Data Science Discovery Research Program continue to push forward and work to come up with innovative solutions to the problems and issues they face, both w

Project Profile: Data-Enabled Donations


Rent isn’t the only extreme price we pay to live in California. Natural disasters like wildfires, earthquakes, droughts, landslides, and floods are all too common, and increasingly so.

From the Archives: Fall 2018 Discovery Showcase


Our Fall 2018 Data Science Showcase featured data science research and projects on everything from disaster response to gerrymandering to human rights and AI. 

UC Berkeley Presents Best Practices on Developing a Data Science Research Institutional Strategy


As the demand for data science research continues to increase, research institutions are taking a closer look at how to create an institutional strategy around data science research.

Spring 2018 Relaunch with BIDS


New page on BIDS formalizing the transition from the BIDS Collaborative to the Data Science Discovery Program.