
Collaborative projects are a fundamental part of your academic journey, and the ability to work effectively with project partners and teams is a valuable skill for both your studies and future career. This memo provides you with a high-level overview of best practices to consider when engaging with your project partner, forming and working with your team, and developing a project plan and timeline. 

Engaging with Your Project Partner



Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful collaboration. When engaging with your project partner, consider the following:

  • Initiate Early: Reach out to your partner as soon as possible to introduce yourself and express your eagerness to collaborate.
  • Establish Clear Channels of Communication: Choose communication tools and channels that are convenient for both of you. Common options include email, messaging apps, or a shared project management platform.
  • Define Expectations: Discuss your preferred communication frequency and style. Clarify how you will handle urgent matters and make sure you both have each other's contact information.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your partner updated on your progress throughout the semester. Examples include weekly check-in meetings and monthly status reports.

Goal Setting
Before diving into the project, establish clear goals and expectations:

  • Define Objectives: Collaboratively outline the project's objectives and goals, ensuring you both have a shared understanding of what success looks like and maintaining a clear goal for both parties to work toward.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Clarify each partner's responsibilities within the project. This includes tasks, deadlines, specific areas of expertise, and potential barriers to success like lack of computing power or educational resources. A group leader is preferable to represent progress to partners.  
Forming and Working with Your Team


Team Selection
In some cases, projects may involve working with a team of students rather than a single person. Here's what you should consider:

  • Diversity of Skills: Aim for a team with diverse skills and strengths that complement each other. This can enhance problem-solving and creativity. Communicate areas of expertise among each team member so that the team can complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Alignment of Goals: Ensure everyone on the team shares a common understanding of the project's objectives, timeline, and their role within the team.

Once your team is formed, focus on effective collaboration:

  • Regular Meetings: Schedule regular team meetings to discuss progress, address concerns, and coordinate efforts. These meetings can be in person or virtual, depending on the circumstances.
  • Active Listening: Listen attentively to your team members' ideas and concerns. Encourage open and respectful communication.
  • Conflict Resolution: Conflicts may arise. Be prepared to address them calmly,constructively, and with empathy. Seek compromises and common ground. It is important to categorize the road bumps and plan accordingly to solve them in a timely manner. 
Developing a Project Plan and Timeline


To ensure a well-organized project, create a detailed plan:

  • Define Milestones: Identify key milestones and deadlines for your project. Break the project into manageable tasks.
  • Allocate Resources: Determine what resources (e.g., research materials, software, hardware) you need and ensure their availability.
  • Contingency Plans: Plan for unexpected setbacks by identifying potential risks and developing contingency plans. It’s always better to have a “Plan B” than no plan at all.

A project timeline is essential for managing your work effectively:

  • Use Tools: Utilize project management tools like Kanban Boards, Gantt charts, Trello, or Google Calendar to create and track your timeline. Software like Asana, Notion, Google Sheets, and more can also help.
  • Regular Updates: Periodically review and update your timeline as the project progresses. Adjust as needed to stay on track.