The SF-YEAH project is a multiphase study in the School of Public Health exploring the ways young people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco experience violence and find safety and resources. The project aims to identify the places, spaces, processes, and structures of safety and violence for young people in order to inform policies and best practices for serving vulnerable youth. The study data is in multiple formats and conditions, including qualitative, geospatial, administrative, and visual data, requiring the organization, curation, and conversion of disparate data into formats that are analyzable using spatial methodologies. The data conversion aspect of the project will utilize collaborative decision-making and problem-solving to develop approaches to consolidating data for effective analysis. Students will be actively involved in the design and implementation of the data curation plan, working with diverse data types toward the creation of accessible databases that will inform policymakers, researchers, and social service providers toward violence prevention efforts for young people experiencing homelessness.

Spring 2020
Social Sciences