The idea for this project is supported by population-based cancer registry data for bladder cancer incidence. At this time, the California Registry of Greater California (CRGC) is looking for support to implement the project in a sustainable way that offers a permanent, well-integrated communication solution in support of bladder cancer patients, and the information their physicians receive. This project will use natural language processing on electronic pathology records to identify reports that are missing critical diagnostic information. Once those reports are identified, a communicator tool will be developed to improve the quality of information available to physicians treating cancer patients and saving hundreds of lives in California patients who are disproportionate of African American, South Asian, Japanese, and non-Hispanic White backgrounds living in the Bay Area. This project delivers a previously unimaginable benefit to cancer patients—applying natural language processing to evaluate tumor tissue excised with and without muscle tissue, supporting patient care, and utilizing AI to compare actual pathology reports with industry standards. The project can immediately achieve a reduction in cancer mortality. We can apply the technology to the incoming feed of electronic pathology reports, and use the results to convey a signal about the completeness of the pathology on which treatment and care depend. The technology will support a real-time, efficient message which will save lives. Physicians will be able to use validated, actionable information from the state-mandated cancer registry with the same diligence they use to report individual cancer data to support surveillance, cancer control, and the reduction of the cancer burden.

Spring 2020
Public Health