FactGrid Cuneiform is a Wikibase instance to host and store triple statements for all cuneiform tablets published online (ca. 350k). We are working in GitHub / GitLab repos together with specialists at Oxford University, Uppsala University and Mainz University, in order to build comprehensive ontologies, which we apply to the textual data in Python Jupyter notebooks when generating the linked data. We have two main tasks we hope to accomplish. Our first task is to build replicable Jupter notebook which applies the proper IDs and labels / descriptions to the data we have (ca. 20 GB) before we upload the Linked Data into FactGrid (uploaded in CSV). Once this notebook is working the second task (again in Jupyter notebook) includes applying the newly generated Linked Data URIs to the existing data dumps in GitHub repos. Additional tasks include data visualization and description to show the added value of the linked data that has been generated.

Fall 2022